Julian De Backer

Julian De Backer hails from Antwerp, Belgium – a country commonly mentioned in phrases like “Belgium’s a country?”. Or, to quote Jon Stewart, “Call me when you get your own language!”
Film has always played a big part in Julian’s life, ever since he grew up watching Walt Disney’s classics on VHS.For some obscure reason, he likes to collect films on obscure formats. Betamax, LaserDisc, HD DVD … he loves toacquire them, even when a far superior alternative (yay for Blu-ray!) is available. He strongly believes that both dubbing and region coding should be banned from the industry altogether. Personal motion picture favourites includeBack to the Future, The Goonies, The Truman Show, The Blues Brothers and Hook.
Becoming a film critic has always been Julian’s major goal, with unsuccessful results so far. As a graduated journalist,he’s currently working odd jobs on a freelance basis. The love for the written word can’t be fed enough, which explainshis desire to maintain http://www.julian.be for the last 10 years. Here’s hoping he can be of use to The Reel Place!

Read our review(s):
"A somber, intelligent second round of dystopian Los Angeles goodness."
Movie Reviews ⋅ R ⋅ View Trailer

Read our review(s):
"A turbulent and engrossing big city tale of redemption and gang violence."

Read our review(s):
"A dark and brooding crime drame in which despair is always on the horizon."
Movie Reviews ⋅ R ⋅ View Trailer

Read our review(s):
"An action-packed feature film by two young directors with a message."

Movie Reviews ⋅ R ⋅ View Trailer

Read our review(s):
"A coming-of-age story by one of America's most remarkable directors."

Jurassic Park 3D
Movie Reviews ⋅ PG-13 ⋅ View Trailer

Read our review(s):
"An adventure 65 million (and twenty) years in the making."