Movie Reviews ⋅ PG-13 ⋅ View Trailer

(No, he’s not Danny’s cousin. Danny is HIS cousin!)
Currently the Vice-President of the Utah Film Critics Association, Richard D.W. Bonaduce was born and grew up in the village (yes, a village) of Audubon, Pennsylvania, in metropolitan Philadelphia just moments from Valley Forge, and named after John James Audubon, arguably the godfather of the modern environmentalist movement. Perhaps it was his scenic surroundings that began a life-long love of the outdoors.
After graduating from Bishop Kenrick High School but before heading to college, thinking there might be something to these newfangled devices known as computers Rich enrolled in a continuing education program to learn about these series of tubes; ultimately graduating with honors.
Ever the patriot, Rich joined the Army National Guard during Desert Shield, and was still in basic training/A.I.T when that escalated to Desert Storm. Concentrating on his training, he was part of the Honor Platoon in Basic; and in A.I.T. won the coveted Physical Training Award and also graduated with Honors. Although honorably discharged 9 years later, he will still answer to Sergeant on occasion.
His love of the outdoors (and a GIRL), enticed him into college out west. He graduated Cum Laud from Southern Utah University, receiving a Bachelor of Science in Communications (self-described as “a degree in BS”). By doubling his major and emphasizing both Journalism and Broadcasting, Rich knows his way around both sides of a camera. Rich reveled in the hands-on atmosphere at SUU, and worked in every position available in a newsroom. He also was a DJ on SUU’s radio station, and eventually became promotional manager, winning a Radio Club award for highest airtime sales. When not on the air, he wrote for the school newspaper, both as a reporter and music/movie critic. He was offered the editorial position twice; and he gives his many apologies still to this day to SUU’s Larry Baker for turning him down both times. When not being on TV, radio, or in the paper, he watched Star Trek, read comic books, and played drums in southern Utah staple Justice.
He also watched movies. A lot of movies.
After graduation, Rich cut his teeth (and his fingers now and again), in his home state on UMGA-TV 22, Upper Merion Township’s government access television station. After starting as a cameraman, within two years he had been promoted to senior editor, and had taken over much of the live direction duties. Ultimately, he became the anchor of UMGA-TV’s news program, and was also the host for their talk shows and emergency broadcasts.
Years later, he was back west with co-weather guy Mitch English, to dole out various tidbits on Utah’s WB. When not dancing with himself during their regular weather breaks, Rich could be heard playing his drum set (from miles way, actually), in various local bands such as Rawhide and Areola 51.
Moving from weather anchor to promotions, Rich worked at WB through their change to CW, and then though their merging with sister station KUTV. In between on-air activities, Rich edited the promos seen on CW30, and was promoted to Marketing Coordinator, taking a special interest in the Movie Previews. Along the way, he met Tony Toscano of Talking Pictures’ fame, and soon joined Talking Pictures as co-producer and co-host. After nearly three years and 150 shows, Rich then went to work for TechMedia Network where his product reviews can be seen via TopTenReports.
He also co-hosts "Critical Mass", a SLC-based blockbuster movie-review show with a soft Indie center.And although Rich is not a member of The Hair Club For Men (he’s working on that, actually), he is involved with several outdoor organizations dedicated to causes ranging from converting old railways into bike trails, to finally closing the hole in the ozone once and for all (his latest attempt using Elmer’s Glue). However there’s not a chance in hell that he is a member of The National Weather Association or the American Meteorology Society, even with that ol’ WB weather gig. But he has continued to play drums in various bands when time allows, such as Vivian’s Way, The Jim Huish Band, and most recently Jackwagon.
Rich Bonaduce is not available for games of pick-up basketball; he only looks tall on TV.
"Birdman takes no prisoners in skewering everything about Hollywood, actors, theater, and the culture surrounding them all."
"'Birdman' is one of the rare highly-acclaimed (and presumably over-acclaimed) indie films that's entirely worth all of the hype that it's getting."
""Sabotage" is what Schwarzenegger seems to be doing to his acting career."