Movie Reviews ⋅ PG-13 ⋅ View Trailer

I just recently wrote an article about Movies Everyone Loves, But I Hate and this time I wanted to do the exact opposite because there are times when I enjoy a movie that hardly anyone likes. When I mention one of these films, it's hilarious how disgusted people's facial expressions …
When you're at school, work or hanging out with friends, have you ever had them speak so highly about a movie that you just had to see? Then, you finally go out your way to view it, or maybe even rent it and that movie just didn't live up to …
Have you ever walked in to a video rental store or browsed Netflix just looking for something out of the ordinary to watch? Tired of the same big blockbuster hits that mainstream America enjoys? Are you one of those people that just loves to think outside the box or just …
Rappers and R&B singers have been flooding Hollywood behind the big screen. Selling a platinum record really opens the door for many opportunities in a music artist's career. These artists start clothing lines, create colognes and perfumes, and market tons of other merchandise across the world. The fans see them …
Well 2010 has flown by us pretty quick and we had some good and bad from the movie industry. Some movies did well in theaters as well as a home video releases. While there were other movies we wanted to avoid at all costs. New actors and actresses came to …
Have you ever enjoyed a TV show and right when a new season begins they replace one of the characters with a new actor or actress? No matter how much you like or enjoy that show, the replacement is just never quite as good? Why don’t people ever give the …
Tyler Perry has built an empire with success from his movies and plays. I’m not a fan of either but noticed how women are his target audience. I personally feel you either love him or hate him as a writer and director. Although I would never knock someone from his …