Did you buy the “Sapphire Series” edition of Gladiator when it was released last September thinking that you were going to get a perfect version of the film? If so, you were probably disappointed by its less-than-perfect transfer and enraged when you heard that Paramount was releasing a much improved newly transferred Blu-ray later this year. If you – like me – feel like a sucker, you wont for much longer – but you have to hop on this now.
Paramount Home Entertainment announced today that there will be a limited exchange program for those who already own the “Sapphire Edition.” Little is known about it yet, but it will most likely include you sending them your disc and them sending you a copy of the new remastered version. (Speculation from this comes from the already-in-action exchange program going on in the U.K.). Here is what you have to do:
Send an email to phe_customerservice@paramount.com with the word “Gladiator” in the subject line. In the body of the email, type your name, phone number and address. They will contact you when the program is ready to launch.
Considering this is a “limited exchange program,” I’m sure that you will have to get on this quickly – the sooner the better. To hear this announcement in Paramount Home Entertainment’s own words, call their Gladiator-dedicated hotline at 323-956-3010.”
Thanks to Blu-ray.com for the heads up.